Senini Stone


May 13, 2022

On Thursday 5 May at the Teatro Centro Lucia in Botticino, Luisa Senini, in her capacity as president of the Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani and entrepreneur and owner of the company SENINI STONE, had the pleasure of listening to economist Carlo Cottarelli, director of the Observatory on Italian Public Accounts, speak with clarity, knowledge and foresight on inflation, rising prices, gas requirements, the European army, the demographic decline, the workforce, immigration, bonuses, contributions … their consequences and much more … Congratulations to the Proloco of Botticino and the sponsors, including the Consorzio Produttori Marmo Botticino Classico, president Monica Berardi, for the interesting invitation and to journalist Riccardo Venchiarutti for conducting the dialogue.

Luisa Senini and Monica Berardi together represented the newly founded Brescian Stone District – BOTTICINO STONE DISTRICT.


The translating architect: conference in Brescia

The translating architect: conference in Brescia

SENINI STONE, together with the other companies that make up the BRESCIAN LAPID DISTRICT, in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Brescia, organized the conference of Arch. Vincenzo Latina, as part of the Review "Architecture and Criticism," entitled: THE...

SENINI STONE at the forefront of the circular economy

SENINI STONE at the forefront of the circular economy

President Luisa Senini, as head of the Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani, is proud to announce a new milestone in the circular economy. Thanks to a 20-year collaboration with Cementificio Buzzi Unicem, we have managed to recover over 100,000 tonnes per year of marble...

ExpoCIHAC 2023 Mexico

ExpoCIHAC 2023 Mexico

SENINI STONE was pleased to participate in EXPO CIHAC 2023: Mexico City, 11/13 October, at the Citibanamex Centre in Mexico City. In collaboration and close synergy with CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE, ICE-Agency and in particular with the ICE Office in Mexico City...