Jan 19, 2023 | News

BONSAI” 10 x 10 tumbled decoration cobbles have been created to embellish and give a touch of personality to Senini pebble cladding, for bathroom walls or kitchen. They are actually also applicable for other uses, such as flooring frames, compositions or other claddings.
View the website page dedicated to decorative cobbles: https://www.seninistone.com/en/shop/ or threshold the WATERJET-CUT INLAID

catalogue 10×10 antique tumbled marble cobbles for wall tiles with waterjet-cut inlaid decoration.
– LINEA SICILIA bonsai (lemon, twig and corner)
– LINEA MARINI bonsai (crab, seahorse, dolphin and starfish)
– LINEA FRUTTA bonsai (apple, pear, lemon and cherry)

Customised decorations possible.