Senini Stone

Marble types – COLOUR CHART –

Mar 17, 2018

Marble is able to make any interior or exterior environment unique, durable, valuable and designer. Stone is versatile and easily adapts to various styles , from rustic to modern or contemporary.

Natural stones are rocks that according to their geological genetic origin can be classified in petrography into Sedimentary, Metamorphic or Magmatic. Commercially, the various types of natural stones are classified into:

MARBLE – compact rocks of a carbonate nature, polishable. Subdivisions of marble are compact fine-grained limestone (such as Botticino, Biancone, Rosso Asiago …) or marble with crystalline mass (such as Bianco Carrara, Bardiglio, veined Statuario and Rosa Portogallo).

TRAVERTINE – rocks characterised by cavities, compact, polishable. Travertine is subdivided into ” plaintravertine ” (Travertino Romano Classico, Travertino Noce) and ‘ mountaintravertine ‘ (Travertino San Peter and Scabas).

STONES – compact or porous rocks, non-polishable (among stones one can distinguish volcanic – lava stones, sandstones, slate , quartzites , porphyry).

GRANITES – resistant rocks of a silicate nature, polishable. Characteristic of granite is its crystal structure, called grains, although in some it is less evident, such as Absolute Black Zimbabwe and Azul Macaubas.

SEMI-PRECIOUSSTONES – particularly valuable marbles include onyxes.
There are many types of marble, many Italian and many foreign, each hue and shade gives an original and refined touch to natural stone cladding.
Differentcolours, hardness, shades and characteristics, each of these marbles has its own story to tell, its own value and beauty, which in the SENINI STONE collections are enhanced to meet the different needs and style of your home.

– – Are you a design studio or reseller? Visit our showroom and production in Montichiari Brescia to receive the Sample folder with the various types of marble most commonly used.

Visit the MATERIALS pageon the site or contact us for more information, the Senini brothers together with the SENINI stone team will be happy to provide answers to your questions.

Material data sheet on the INSTITUTIONAL dossier.




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