Senini Stone

Luisa Senini as president of the CONSORZIO MARMISTI BRESCIANI

Feb 1, 2019

The approval of the new Board of Directors of the Consorzio Marmi Bresciani – CMB – sees Luisa Senini, co-owner SENINI STONE srl appointed as its new president for the three-year period 2019-2021 after three years as vice-president and as many as director.

“Luisa Senini is the new president of the Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani.
Luisa has long represented a leading and important figure in the Consortium ‘s activities. Luisa Senini is not only a long-standing Consortium member, she is also the manager and owner of Senini stone srl, as well as an active and volcanic figure in the world of stone and marble.
The world of marble is changing, and the Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani wants to pioneer this change. Luisa Senini represents for us the strength and dynamism that allows us to fulfil this important task.
She is not alone: alongside her is the valuable coordination of Director Silvia Botti, and the support of the newly elected Vice Presidents Andrea Manstretta and Gianluigi Senco.
We extend our best wishes and congratulations to the new president of the Consortium on his important mandate. “Brava!” writes the editorial staff of the Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani based in Rezzato Brescia.”


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