Senini Stone

Choose NATURAL STONE, why?

Sep 15, 2022

Natural or artificial stone? Advantages and disadvantages.

There is no right and wrong choice, the important thing is to be aware of what you are buying … I think of the comparison between a silk blouse and a synthetic one, touching the sand and seeing the sea or the poster of a beautiful beach, listening to live or recorded music …

Natural stone – marble, travertine, granite, limestone – is 100% natural, it is a product of the Earth ‘s history that is millions of years old, while the ceramic ‘ marbleeffect’ is a copy, something fake, and is a compound of today. Each piece of marble or natural stone is unique.

Marble is able to makeany interior or exterior environment unique, durable, valuable and designer . Stone is versatile and easily adapts to various styles , from rustic to modern or contemporary.

We love STONE because it is

  • ONE
  • SAFE

The more you get to know it, the more you love it, the more you live it, the more you appreciate it.

Choose the best, Choose NATURAL STONE.


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